STS 2023 Cookoff Season: A Sizzling Success

STS 2023 Cookoff Season: A Sizzling Success

Steak Points USA | Grillmasters | Steaks Points Texas | Ancillary Points USA | Ancillary Points Texas | SCA World Championship | Gallery

Top Ten in Steak Points in the United States

Raymond Patterson2
Doug Homann10

Top Ten Grillmasters in the United States

Doug Homann3
Raymond Patterson5
Evan Warren10

Top Ten in Steak Points in Texas

Raymond Patterson1
Doug Homann2
Evan Warren3
Daryl Maune5
Trinidad Rodriguez6
Roy Frazier8
Andrew Bowen9

Top Ten in Ancillary Points in the United States

Evy Homann10

Top Ten in Ancillary Points in Texas

Evy Homann1
Norma Maune2
Renee Rodriguez3
Kimberely Wolfe5
Angela Owens Malone7

Competing in 2023 SCA World Championship

ChefRibeye SteakAncillary
Alfred Hannaâś“âś“
Andrew Bowenâś“
Angela Owens Maloneâś“âś“
Carrie Pottsâś“
Dan McClureâś“
Doug Homannâś“
Daryl Mauneâś“
Elise Mirelesâś“
Evan Warrenâś“
Evy Homannâś“
James Garzaâś“
John Butlerâś“
Kevin Pottsâś“
Kimberely Wolfeâś“
Lisa Garzaâś“
Michelle Dangâś“
Norma Mauneâś“
Paul Wolfeâś“
Raymond Pattersonâś“
Renee Rodriguezâś“
Roberta Smithâś“
Roy Frazierâś“
Steven Burgessâś“
Tylar Burgessâś“
Trinidad Rodriguezâś“

The STS team had an incredible 2023 season, securing top rankings in both the United States and Texas. As they head to the SCA World Championship in March 2024, these talented chefs are poised to make their mark on the biggest stage in the world of steak and ancillary cookoffs.